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This section presents only one, but popular product for Christian Armenian rites and home use - coal. From the description of the Incense, you can learn how censer charcoal is used for censers. Censer charcoal is a specially purified charcoal. During production, it is pressed into small briquettes, similar to tablets. Censer charcoal is of two types - traditional and quick-ignited. In the second, saltpeter is added. this is done in order to accelerate the burning. Ordinary coal is inferior in properties: it ignites for a long time and, of course, smoulders longer. But fast-igniting coal instantly ignites and burns for about an hour. This time is enough to perform a rite or prayer at home. You're probably wondering how censer charcoal is made. Deciduous trees, more often birch, are used to make it. 1. Wood is crushed in the form of small bars 2. They are simmered according to a special technology - at high t and without access to oxygen. 3. Then the bark is removed, and the pieces of wood are crushed to a powdered mass. 4. From the latter, tablets for coal are prepared. 5. The last stage is soaking, then pressing and drying on the machine. Many people want to learn how to make censer charcoal with their own hands. However, in this case, the coal in the censer may not give fire quickly or cause a fire. It is better to buy censer charcoal in a specialized store Khachaluys. Our coal: 1. quickly ignited 2. does not generate smoke 3. does not emit an additional odor 4. safe for health 5. suitable for standard censers The censer coal presented by us is quick-ignited - it will save time and will not give you trouble. Coals with a diameter of 27 mm., 32 mm. and 40 mm. A small cost - from 60 to 100 rubles - will allow you to buy censer coal in reserve, so that at the right time it is at hand.