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Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел жизнь вечную. Ибо не послал Бог Сына Свое...
21 600 a
Сергий Радонежский родился 3 мая 1314 г. в селе Варницы под Ростовом. При крещении будущий святой получил имя Варфоломей. В семь лет родители о...
23 300 a
И так Сам Господь даст вам знамение: се, Дева во чреве примет, и родит Сына, и нарекут имя Ему: Еммануил. (Ис. 7: 14) В шестой же месяц ...
15 000 a
Иван Баграмян Баграмян Иван Христофорович (Ованес Хачатурович) родился 2 декабря 1897 в Нагорном Карабахе деревне Чард...
17 300 a
Виктор Амазаспович Амбарцумян (арм. Վիկտոր Համազասպի Համբարձումյան, 5  сентября 1908, Тифлис — 12 августа 1996, Бюракан) — армянский, советский а...
From 5 340 a
A universal and interesting gift is a souvenir, and a universal souvenir is a figurine.It can be bought for home, for colleagues for any holiday, on a birthday, on a memorable day. A figurine is a wonderful gift for the New Year and Christmas. And if you or your friends collect collectible figurines,then here you will definitely find a souvenir to your taste! Where to find a high-quality and inexpensive figurine? Of course, in the souvenir shop! Khachaluys online souvenir shop is pleased to offer you products of our brand Vernissage of History. Here you will find not only souvenirs based on Armenian Christian goods. We have a large collection of figurines for the interior for every taste. Great Armenian writers, composers, as well as famous monuments of the Armenian capital. Online store of statuettes Khachaluys Figurines-figurines of our store are made of cast marble, or polystone. Polystone is not only the most popular, but also the best material for making souvenirs. Let's find out what advantages you will get when buying a souvenir made of polystone: 1) Polystone combines all the best characteristics of natural material, which are improved by synthetic additives. That is why the products are durable and wear-resistant. 2)Polystone is resistant to moisture, UV rays and withstands temperatures up to 180°C. 3) Another of its features is the ability to convey the smallest details of the image. Figures made of polystone are especially bright and expressive. 4) Durable souvenirs made of polystone are characterized by an optimal price/quality ratio. In the manufacture of figurines, the masters of Vernissage of History put a piece of the soul. As a result, a souveniris bornthat gives the owner positive energy. Be sure: a polystone figurine will not become another trinket. It will take the best place in the house - on a bookshelf, a desk, on a bedside table or a chest of drawers. On the site of the everyone will find a souvenir made of polystone to their liking: 1. Armenian kings/leaders and generals: Tigran the Great, Garegin Nzhdeh, Vardan Mamikonyan, Trdat III, Marshal Baghramyan, Monte Melkonyan 2. great composers: Arno Babajanyan, Komitas, Aram Khachaturian, Sayat Nova, Charles Aznavour 3. Armenian writers and poets: Yeghishe Charents, Paruyr Sevak, Khachatur Abovyan, Grigor Narekatsi, Raffi 4. artist Martiros Saryan and favorite actor Frunzik Mkrtchyan 5. Catholicos Vazgen I, St. Gregory the Illuminator 6. Sardarapat and Mother Armenia In addition, we can buy statuettes-compositions: Family with children on the bench, Chess players. They can be given to loved ones or friends on Family Day, Motherhood Day, Father's Day. Note that many of the figurines are in two colors, white marble and bronze. Some of the large figurines are hand-painted. They give souvenirs additional beauty and exclusivity. But such souvenirs are, of course, more expensive. No more thinking about what you can give to a friend / colleague on a memorable day. Choose a figurine, the price of which starts from 650 rubles. You can buy a figurine in the khachaluys online store wholesale or retail.